::Be Inspired:: An Interview with Promise Tangeman

There are no words to express how excited I am for this next interview for Be Inspired.  It was about a year and a half ago that I was introduced to Promise Tangeman’s beautiful photography.  I was immediately drawn to her unique, fresh and alternative style of photography, as well as her amazing website- which she had created on her own with Showit.  When she launched SiteHouse, customizable Style Groups that work seamlessly within Showit, I was in Heaven.  It took me all of five minutes to have one of her amazing Style Groups purchased.  :)  In my busiest time of year (Wedding Season), I was able to create a brand new site in about a day, using one of her awesome designs.  Promise’s amazing Style Groups combined with the awesomeness that is Showit equals total perfection!

Over the past few months I have been so fortunate to have connected with Promise via email, Facebook and Twitter.  This past week was an absolute dream come true when I was able to meet her at a Showit meet-up and even had the opportunity to sit-in on an intimate Q&A session.  So rad!  When I approached her about an interview she was quick to respond with a yes and I was ecstatic!  For those of you not familiar with Promise’s work, you should definitely check this girl out.  From a branding makeover, to a custom website, or even one of the pre-designed Style Group, Promise is sure to have exactly what you need. She is truly amazing at her craft and I feel so blessed to not only have met her, but also to know we have started a friendship.  :)  Thank you so much, Promise, I am so grateful to have learned more about you and gain a little insight into your beautiful mind.  Enjoy!!

photo credit: Melissa Jill

My name is Promise Tangeman Wurzell and I love pop music. Haha, no… I do… but I wont leave that as my answer.  I am an art director and graphic designer for print and web.  I love working with creative people.  I love collaborating, I love living a creative life.

What 3 things should we know about you?
1 // I am REALLY extremely goofy
2 // I am taller than people imagine me
3 // When I was a little girl, I NEVER imagined how much I would love my husband. I am EXSTATIC!! And I want to tell everyone about him.

Define your style in 5 words:
Passionate, Rock-n-Roll, Whimsical, Free, Colorful.

What is your specialty?
I am really good at making stuff.  EXCEPT DINNER!!  I specialize in branding small businesses.  I LOVE IT!!  It’s like giving someone an online makeover.  It actually changes their life.  My strength in that, is really “getting someone”.  If that person or business knows who they are…. then I am REALLY good at hopping on board with their vibe and depicting who they are through print.

Why is Branding so important?
Branding is more important now than it has ever been.  Mostly because of the internet and social media craze.  Your brand IS YOUR FACE on the web.  It has to represent you.  It’s your clients first impression of you!  I would say that is pretty important.

What inspired you to create SiteHouse?
Starting a website from scratch can be really overwhelming for those DIY kind of people. So these Style Groups are PERFECT for people like me and people like you. You get a GREAT high-quality back bone design that you can tweak and recreate on our own time.

Divulge one of your dreams for your business:
To be honest, I really feel like I am living my dream. And I really mean that. When I graduated college with a design degree I told myself that my goal was to make money doing what I love to do. One of my other goals was to have so much work that I get to choose what projects I want to take on. I totally get to do that.

For custom sites, what is the design process?
1// Book your project with my project manager Alex.
2// Fill out creative worksheets
3// Sumbit an inspiration board of images
4// If needed, I will send an inspiration board back to you (with different images) to make sure we are on the same page
5// I wait to make sure ALL of the text, images, and info is sent to me. That way I can design EXACTLY to the clients needs, instead of just a copy and paste type of thing
6// I start designing
7// Send to client for review
8// Tweak any changes or revsisions
9// The site goes live- WOOHOO!!!

What inspires your work?
Color, textures, my clients, passion, hard work, magazines, personality, blogs, media, and to be REALLY cheesy…. Prayer. I pray about every project that I take on and I take every project to heart.

As a fellow Showiteer, tell us what you love about Showit:
I am a “do it yourself” kind of girl…. and imagined that a lot of Showit people are too. I want to do it now and get it done. I don’t want to have to wait for my web coding guy to get finished playing his video games before I can get my website done. Haha! JK JK. Bah!!! I love that I can create websites by drag and drop!! I hate coding and I desire never to do it. Showit lets me edit, create, and update when ever I want. It’s great.

How does Branding & Showit fit together?
Showit enables you to brand effectively. Showit literally gives us the tools to have a KILLER web presence.

What advice do you have for creative minds?
Let your mind wander at times. Work on inspiration. I think too many times we put something away when we are inspired because we have too much “to-do”. Inspiration is a time machine, if you are inspired to do that TODAY…. it may only take you 2 hours because you are inspired… but if you wait until next week it may take you 16 hours because the inspiration is gone.

photo credit: Christianne Taylor

Promise, thank you so, so much for a fabulous interview! You are absolutely amazing, beautiful inside and out and I am so honored you chose to be a part of Be Inspired. :) Can’t wait to see you again soon!!

Be sure follow Promise:
Website: http://www.promisetangeman.com/
Blog: http://www.promisetangemanblog.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Promise-Tangeman-Creative/140147142697195

Be Inspired, For Photographers, Photography






Meet Your Photographer

Hi Friend!

I'm Holli True

Wife, Mother, Photographer, Educator, Website Designer, Creative, and Brand Enthusiast. I'm an Oregon Girl who loves football, rain, concerts, road trips, and keeping it real. When it comes to chasing dreams, consider me always on the move. Thank you so much for taking the time to browse my little corner of the internet. I hope you love what you see!

More About Me

hey there...

I'm Holli True and I am a High School Senior Portrait Photographer based in Eugene, Oregon.  I love nothing more than sharing my passion and heart for working with teen girls. This is what inspired me to become an industry educator and why I created the Evoke Senior Photography Workshop!

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It's bittersweet to close this chapter of my life, but it is time to turn the page.

All of my clients will always hold a special place in my heart. I've also had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with so many talented photographers– i will never forget any of you!

Forever Young. forever free.

• holli true Photography is permanently closed • 

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