Birthday Eve

In one hour I will be officially 28 years old.  It’s a really strange feeling because this year is packed full with so many things and I am excited for these things, but it also seems surreal that these things are already happening.  My 10 year High School Reunion, for one thing!  I mean, really, how is that even possible??  I don’t feel like I graduated 10 years ago, it feels like 10 months ago… maybe even 10 days ago.  Jeff and I will also celebrate our 10 year Anniversary this year, too!  July will mark 13 years together and 10 years married.  Yes, this does mean that I got married right after high school.  Some people thought we were crazy to get married so young, but I love that we did!  :)  We were young and in love, now we’re just a little older and still in love.  I’m a very lucky girl.

I’m not one of those people that gets all freaked out about getting older, I know I am one year closer to 30, but I honestly don’t really care.  I’ve never been one to put too much emphasis on age- remember, I’m the girl that got married 3 months after turning 18.  I am a firm believer that you are as young or old as you feel.  I’m practically still a toddler!  :)  Well, maybe not a toddler, but I’m definitely not “old”.

27 has been bittersweet.  So many amazing things have happened to me and my family, but we’ve also had our fair share of difficult times.  But, that’s just the game of life, take the good with the bad, find a way to make it positive and make the best of it.  I count my blessings.  I know that God has plan for me and my family and that as long as we have each other, we will always be okay.  27 was good to me and I’m really looking forward to what 28 will bring.  :)  Rollercoaster ride and all!








Meet Your Photographer

Hi Friend!

I'm Holli True

Wife, Mother, Photographer, Educator, Website Designer, Creative, and Brand Enthusiast. I'm an Oregon Girl who loves football, rain, concerts, road trips, and keeping it real. When it comes to chasing dreams, consider me always on the move. Thank you so much for taking the time to browse my little corner of the internet. I hope you love what you see!

More About Me

hey there...

I'm Holli True and I am a High School Senior Portrait Photographer based in Eugene, Oregon.  I love nothing more than sharing my passion and heart for working with teen girls. This is what inspired me to become an industry educator and why I created the Evoke Senior Photography Workshop!

Welcome to MY BLOG!








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It's bittersweet to close this chapter of my life, but it is time to turn the page.

All of my clients will always hold a special place in my heart. I've also had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with so many talented photographers– i will never forget any of you!

Forever Young. forever free.

• holli true Photography is permanently closed • 

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