I often get asked how I choose the locations I shoot at and why I chose to shoot there. To be totally honest, I rarely choose the location- my clients do! They usually have a location that is special to them or that they love and they want to do their session there. Occassionally I get clients who saw a picture I took on my blog or website and they want to go to the same site- I am always happy to oblige. When this happens, I consider it a challenge because I don’t want my previous clients and my current clients to wind up with the same pictures. So, I push myself to think outside the box, while I may use the same buildings, I will pose them totally different, shoot from a new angle and use a different crop. I don’t ever want my work to look stale or routine, I like to keep things fresh and unique. I go into every session with an open mind, customizing the shoot- and the posing- to my clients, not to a cookie-cutter pattern.
Some of the locations I have done sessions at include: Mount Pisgah, Doris Ranch, Alton Baker Park, Hendricks Park, University of Oregon, Oregon State, the Oregon Coast (several locations) Eugene, Harrisburg, Coburg, Brownsville, Corvallis, Salem, Portland, and Bend. I have also been known to find locations on roadsides- wheat fields, old trucks, tractors… I strongly suggest pushing yourself to try doing shoots in locations you wouldn’t normally, try to find the beauty in locations you generally wouldn’t. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised.
I hope this post has been helpful. Please let me know if any of you have any questions- I am always happy to help!! And because all posts are always better with a little eye candy, here is a teaser pic from my recent session with Taylor. We did her shoot in Brownsville and I am so excited with what we got!! Her full session will be posted soon- so please check back! Enjoy!!