::Montana:: Bend Senior Portrait Photographer

Today, as we made the drive home from Bend, I found myself in awe of the beauty that surrounded me.  Of course, I’ve driven over the mountain a hundred billion times, but the breathtaking snow-capped mountains and frosted trees never cease to amaze me.  I stare out my window, completely captivated every single time.  Unless, of course, I am the unfortunate one who is stuck driving. ;)  Oregon is my home, so it’s likely that I am quite partial to my state.  But in all honesty, in my heart of hearts, I believe Oregon to be the most beautiful in all of America.  I simply <3 Oregon.  :)

I am so excited to post the second half of my shoot with Hayley & Montana!  Yesterday I posted Hayley’s session, which can be viewed here, just in case you missed it.  :)  From what I could tell, Montana and Hayley, although twins, are very much individuals.  And I loved that about them.  It was easy to see that they are very close and simply adore each other.  But their demeanors could not have been more different, from their personal styles to their hair color.  :)

Montana has this air of mystery that surrounds her.  Something about the way she looks at you makes you feel like she has a secret, something fabulous that you would just love to be in on.  :)  Like her sister, Montana is absolutely stunning, so much fun, and just awesome to hang with.  Montana- thank you so much for choosing us to do these pictures for you!  We had the best time with you and your sister and we hope you both did, too.  :)  We hope you LOVE your pictures!

As stated before, during their sessions, we also took the time to snap some pictures of the two of them together.  :)  I had to share a few of them because Montana & Hayleu were absolutely awesome!

To view more pictures from Montana’s boutique senior session, be sure to check out her slideshow!  Also, don’t be shy, start a conversation by leaving a little love in the comment box below!  :)

Photography, Seniors






Meet Your Photographer

Hi Friend!

I'm Holli True

Wife, Mother, Photographer, Educator, Website Designer, Creative, and Brand Enthusiast. I'm an Oregon Girl who loves football, rain, concerts, road trips, and keeping it real. When it comes to chasing dreams, consider me always on the move. Thank you so much for taking the time to browse my little corner of the internet. I hope you love what you see!

More About Me

hey there...

I'm Holli True and I am a High School Senior Portrait Photographer based in Eugene, Oregon.  I love nothing more than sharing my passion and heart for working with teen girls. This is what inspired me to become an industry educator and why I created the Evoke Senior Photography Workshop!

Welcome to MY BLOG!








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It's bittersweet to close this chapter of my life, but it is time to turn the page.

All of my clients will always hold a special place in my heart. I've also had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with so many talented photographers– i will never forget any of you!

Forever Young. forever free.

• holli true Photography is permanently closed • 

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