Oh so True!

So, with my new site, new outlook, new year and new beginnings, I have decided to expose more of me.  After all, if you are a potential client you will be hiring me- not my portfolio.  For all of my past/current clients, you will know some of these facts first hand.  :)  So… Here I go:

1. Yes, True is my real last name- it’s not for business, it is an actuality!  :)  I became Mrs. True almost 10 years ago, formerly Ms. McCulloch.

2. I talk with my hands- always.  And I mean really talk with my hands.  My grandmother is a lip-reader and I grew up in her home with my dad and brother.  We had to motion at everything we were talking about or use our hands to emphasize our words, because she couldn’t hear.  So, on a shoot I will generally over-motion and over-emphasize strictly out of habit.  You can thank my Grandma.  :)

3. I can recite Dirty Dancing word-for-word!  Challenge me- I am not lying.  When I was nine years old I watched the movie about twice a day until I literally ruined the VHS.  That was the summer of 1989 when everyone called me Baby and it didn’t occur to me to mind.  Honestly.  I had a perm and minus the nose, I was a mini Jennifer Grey.  Johnny Castle was what I thought all men were going to be like when I grew up.  I married a white boy who can’t dance- go figure!  ;)

4. I’m a reality TV junkie.  I like it all!  Well, I should say I like the mindless reality TV- I don’t like COPS, I just think it’s depressing.  Top Model, Project Runway, Bachelor, Big Brother, Real World, the Hills…  Honestly, I can’t get enough.  I love when they play marathons on the weekends- there is no better way to spend your Saturday than on the couch curled up in a blanket watching LC & Audrina- yet again!

5.  Everytime I laugh, I cry.  For real!  I swear it happened after I had kids- once I get going the waterworks just begin to flow.  I can’t help it or prevent it.  So, be prepared, if you get me laughing, you’ll get me crying.  :P

So there you have it.  If you go to my website you can view more of my quirks.  And remember, nobody puts baby in the corner.  Hehe!







Meet Your Photographer

Hi Friend!

I'm Holli True

Wife, Mother, Photographer, Educator, Website Designer, Creative, and Brand Enthusiast. I'm an Oregon Girl who loves football, rain, concerts, road trips, and keeping it real. When it comes to chasing dreams, consider me always on the move. Thank you so much for taking the time to browse my little corner of the internet. I hope you love what you see!

More About Me

hey there...

I'm Holli True and I am a High School Senior Portrait Photographer based in Eugene, Oregon.  I love nothing more than sharing my passion and heart for working with teen girls. This is what inspired me to become an industry educator and why I created the Evoke Senior Photography Workshop!

Welcome to MY BLOG!








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It's bittersweet to close this chapter of my life, but it is time to turn the page.

All of my clients will always hold a special place in my heart. I've also had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with so many talented photographers– i will never forget any of you!

Forever Young. forever free.

• holli true Photography is permanently closed • 

Thank You!

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