As far as I am concerned, July 15th should be a national holiday. Why, you ask? Oh, you know, because Reckless releases on that day! And in my world, that’s kind of a big deal, since it’s a day that will forever change my life. Can I just officially declare the 15th as Reckless Day? Consider it done. Speaking of Reckless, did you know you can pre-order an autographed paperback? Yes, indeedy, you can! Interested? You can find out all of the details here!
Last month, when I completed the first draft of Reckless, I was feeling pretty darn pleased with myself- and my manuscript. But, as I sat down to print copies for my test readers, I started to see things I didn’t like. So, I made a few adjustments and then forced myself to print it and leave it alone. For like 5 minutes. To be totally honest, I started making some serious revisions before receiving any feedback. And once feedback started coming in- oy vey! I ripped Reckless to shreds and reworked, rewrote and revised my heart out.
My sweet friend, Marissa, sent me a text a few weeks ago, asking if I was enjoying the revision phase as much as I had enjoyed the initial writing phase. My response- YES! Her response- You must really be a writer, then. If only I had a picture to share of the smile that created on my face…
I think it goes without saying that I want my very best writing within the pages of Reckless. In order to achieve that, revisions are necessary. I embraced the revision phase because I know that it made me a better writer and it made Hailey & Jonah’s story stronger. And in the end, I couldn’t ask for anything better.
One final thing I wanted to celebrate with all of you- Reckless has a soundtrack! Well, I mean, a playlist I created for it, anyway! ;) While writing my little masterpiece, I kept a book of notes on each chapter- oh if you could only see the number of post-it notes spilling out this thing! Anyway, I scribbled down the song names that I listened to while writing some of the key scenes within my book and decided to create a soundtrack that inspired my novel! Be sure to subscribe to this playlist- and have a listen while reading Reckless! Yes and YES! XO!