This past weekend, like so many other photographers, I spent hours on end watching the ever amazing Sue Bryce kill it on CreativeLIVE. As I listened to her share her savvy business knowledge and admirable beliefs, I sat there thinking to myself, “She’s talking to me right now… She is so talking to me!” She reminded me of something I had forgotten about myself, only I hadn’t realized it until she said the words.
You see, dear internet, I am a dreamer. Only I haven’t allowed myself to dream for awhile now. I used to put myself out there and speak my dreams out loud, for all the world to hear. Never fearing people would hear me, fearing only that my dreams would fall upon deaf ears. I spoke my dreams to anyone who would listen, in person, in email, on my blog, in my prayers… I dreamed. I dreamed big.
And then those dreams started to come true and as amazingly beautiful as it was to see my dreams come to life, I forgot one thing. To keep dreaming. Out loud.
Sue repeatedly talked of inspiration boards and goals- putting out into the world the things you want. Because, if you put the vision out there, it will become a reality. I couldn’t agree with her more. Sure, I’ve thought of things I wanted to accomplish, though I never wrote them down. I’ve imagined things I would like to work toward, though I didn’t pause long enough to think of a way to make it happen. I put off writing goals, vowing to get to it “one day”, but never made it a priority. Until last night.
Because I am a dreamer.
Some of these dreams are quite big and some of these dreams are rather simple, however, all are my dreams. :) Won’t you dream with me?
1. Photograph the editorial concept shoot that has been in my head for years now.
2. Write a novel with my friend, Marissa.
3. Go back to Maui with my hubby & kiddos.
4. Have my images appear in Seventeen.
5. Hold a workshop in Seattle.
6. Photograph 75 High School Senior girls in 2012.
7. Do a photo shoot with Austin Hartley-Leonard.
8. Get a killer loft/industrial natural-light studio space.
9. Get to New York City.
10. Photograph a campaign for a clothing company.
11. Drive to Forks and photograph an Edward & Bella inspired concept shoot.
12. See the Golden Gate Bridge from the ground- not an airplane.
13. Meet Kristen Stewart- my muse! Love her!!
I am so ready to make these things happen! Positive thoughts, positive energy and belief that all things are possible… :) Let’s do this! I would love to hear some of your dreams. Please post them as a comment below- lets dream together!