So, I am not someone who can generally make a list of resolutions and keep them. Even with my best efforts, they just seem to fall off my radar and I don’t think of them again until the following year is almost here and I realize that everything I *wanted* to accomplish didn’t even come close to happening. (Oops!) :)
This year I am keeping it simple.
I want to do this and I mean reeeeaaally do this. Photography. My passion. My dream job. I love it and I feel like it loves me back. I want to take my business to the next level. I want to be successful, in demand, creating gorgeous images, making a lasting impression and sustain lasting relationships. I have the support from my loved ones and they believe I can do this. I believe I can do this.
So, my resolution is to keep on going. I love the path I am on and I want to start running! :) Bring it on 2009, I’m ready for you!!!